Programming and Problem Solving Through Python (M3-R5)

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i.    Write a program to print all Armstrong numbers in a given range. Note: An Armstrong number is a number whose sum of cubes of digits is equal to the number itself. E.g. 370=33+73+03


ii.     Write a function to obtain sum n terms of the following series for any positive integer value of X


X +X3 /3! +X5 /5! ! +X7 /7! + …


iii.     Write a function to obtain sum n terms of the following series for any positive integer value of X




iv.    Write a program to multiply two numbers by repeated addition e.g.


6*7 = 6+6+6+6+6+6+6


v.    Write a program to compute the wages of a daily laborer as per the following rules :-Hours Worked Rate Applicable Upto first 8 hrs Rs100/-


a)    For next 4 hrs Rs30/- per hr extra


b)   For next 4 hrs Rs40/- per hr extra


c)    For next 4 hrs Rs50/- per hr extra


d)   For rest Rs60/- per hr extra


vi.     Accept the name of the labourer and no. of hours worked. Calculate and display the wages. The program should run for N number of labourers as specified by the user.


vii.         Write a function that takes a string as parameter and returns a string with every successive repetitive character replaced by ?e.g. school may become school?.

viii.     Write a program that takes in a sentence as input and displays the number of words, number of capital letters, no. of small letters and number of special symbols.


ix.    Write a Python program that takes list of numbers as input from the user and produces a cumulative list where each element in the list at any position n is sum of all elements at positions upto n-1.


x.    Write a program which takes list of numbers as input and finds:


a)    The largest number in the list


b)   The smallest number in the list


c)    Product of all the items in the list


xi.    Write a Python function that takes two lists and returns True if they have at least one common item.


xii.    Write a Python program to combine two dictionary adding values for common keys. d1 = {'a': 100, 'b': 200, 'c':300}


d2 = {'a': 300, 'b': 200, 'd':400}


Sample output: Counter({'a': 400, 'b': 400, 'd': 400, 'c': 300})


xiii.    Write a program that takes sentence as input from the user and computes the frequency of each letter. Use a variable of dictionary type to maintain and show the frequency of each letter.


xiv.    Apply recursive call to do the following:


a)    Product of two numbers using repetitive addition


b)   Print Fibonacci series upto term n


xv.    Write a program to input two numbers as input and compute the greatest common divisor


xvi.    Write a function that takes two filenames f1 and f2 as input. The function should read the contents of f1 line by line and write them onto f2.


xvii.    Write a function that reads the contents of the file f3.txt and counts the number of alphabets, blank spaces, lowercase letters, number of words starting with a vowel and number of occurrences of a work “hello”.


xviii.    Write a program to replace ‘a’ with ‘b’, ‘b’ with ‘c’,….,’z’ with ‘a’ and similarly for ‘A’ with ‘B’,’B’ with ‘C’, …., ‘Z’ with ‘A’ in a file. The other characters should remain unchanged.


xix.    Write a NumPy program to find the most frequent value in an array.


xx.    Take two NumPy arrays having two dimensions. Concatenate the arrays on axis 1.


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