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Guess/Sample Question Paper: Web Designing and Publishing (M2-R5)

Sample Question Paper

Web Designing and Publishing 


1.    There are TWO PARTS in this Module/Paper. PART ONE contains FOUR questions and PART TWO contains FIVE questions. 

2.    PART ONE is to be answered in the TEAR-OFF ANSWER SHEET only, attached to the question paper, as per the instructions contained therein. PART ONE is NOT to be answered in the answer book.

3.     Maximum time allotted for PART ONE is ONE HOUR. Answer book for PART TWO will be supplied at the table when the answer sheet for PART ONE is returned. However, candidates, who complete PART ONE earlier than one hour, can collect the answer book for PART TWO immediately after handing over the answer sheet for PART ONE.


Time: 3 Hrs

M. Marks: 100                                                  (PART ONE:40 marks, PART TWO:60 marks)



(Answer all Questions. Each question carries ONE mark)


1.  Answer the following multiple choice questions (1 to 10)                                1x10=10

Note: For each question, four choices are given, Choose the most appropriate option.

 1.1 Text within STRONG tag is displayed as ________

(a)  Indented

(b)  Italic

(c)  list

(d)  Bold


1.2 TD tag is used for ________

(a)  Table row

(b)  Table Records

(c)  Table heading

(d)  Row Heading


1.3 The extension of JavaScript file is

(a)  .html

(b)  .js

(c)  .css

(d)  .ajs


1.4 “Yahoo”, “Infoseek” and “Lycos” are _________?

(a)  Search Engines

(b)  News groups

(c)  Browsers

(d)  None of the above


1.5 What is a search engine?

(a)  Program that search documents

(b)  A program that searches engines for specified keywords

(c)  A machinery engine that search data

(d)  A hardware component


1.6 HTML document start and end with which tag pairs?

(a)  HTML

(b)  Web

(c)  Body

(d)  Head


1.7 <HR> tag is used for

(a)  Line Break

(b)  Horizontal row

(c)  Heading

(d)  Underline


1.8 What is the full form of HTML?

(a)  Hyphenation text markup language

(b)  Hyper text markup language

(c)  Hyper text marking language


(d)  Hyphenation test marking language


1.9 What does the CSS stands for?

(a)  Creating Style Sheets

(b)  Cascading Style Sheets

(c)  Computer Style Sheets

(d)  Colorful Style Sheets


1.10     What is the full form of HTTP?

(a)  Hyphenation text test program

(b)  Hypertext transfer protocol

(c)  Hypertext transfer package

(d)  None of the above


2)    Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given below:                                                             1x10=10


a) <select>

b)  <p>

c) both Header & Body

d) loosely

e) ol

(f) <script>

(g) <input type="checkbox"/>

h) Create Flash movies

i) Header

j) var obj = {};

k) <input type="checkbox1"/>

l)Selects the color at the cursor

2.1      ____________ is a html list that lists the items with numbers.

2.2      Correct HTML for making a checkbox is ____________.

2.3      Correct HTML for making a drop-down list is ____________. 

2.4      Inside HTML ____________ tag we put the JavaScript code.

2.5      We cannot ____________ with Photoshop.

2.6      Eyedropper tool ____________. 

2.7      ____________start a new paragraph.

2.8      SCRIPT tag can be placed within ____________.

2.9      JavaScript is ____________ typed language.

2.10   With ____________ you create a new object in JavaScript 

3) State which of the following is True or False:- 1x10=10

3.1      The extension of CSS file is .cs.

3.2      The use of Forms in HTML to collect user’s input.

3.3      Using< P> tag will end the current paragraph.

3.4      TITLE tag can appear inside body tag.

3.5      In Photoshop "B" is the keyboard shortcut for Blur

3.6     Clicking and holding the mouse button on a toolbar icon Shows additional tools related to that tool in photo editor.

3.7     JavaScript can be used to validate input data in HTML forms before sending the content to the server.

3.8      HTML tag for the biggest heading <h6>

3.9      HTML for creating a hyperlink :

4) Match the following:                                                         1x10=10







2.File Transfer Protocol



3.Case Sensitive


TITLE tag must be within

4.Hyper Text Transfer Protocol






5.Cascading Style Sheet


collect user’s input

6.Shows additional tools related to that tool



7.Marquee Tool






9.Cascading System file


Clicking and holding the mouse

10.Headingsbutton on a toolbar icon



11.File transmission Protocol



12.Table Data




(Answer any FOUR Questions)



a)    What is Website? What are different types of Websites?


b)   What is a Responsive Website?


c)    What is browser? Name any three browser.



a)    What are rowspan and colspan attributes? Explain with example.


b)   What is the difference between Ordered list and unordered list. Explain with example.


c)            Write a JavaScript function to find sum of first 20 even natural numbers.         ( 4+5+6 )


a)  Explain three different ways to implement CSS on web page.          

b)  Explain different types of Selectors in CSS with example.                  (7+8)




a)    What is Angular Js? How does it work with HTML?

b)   Explain any three Selection Tools in Photo Editor with their significance and properties. (7+8)




a)  What are the techniques to use W3.CSS Framework?


b)  What  are the classes used for creating responsive Design in W3.CSS framework?




Web Designing Course