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Learn Android app development training

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What do you want to learn?


Whether you're new to programming or an experienced developer, we have a range of courses to teach you Android development, from getting started to optimizing app performance.

Web development

You know HTML and CSS, now master it for fast, polished sites, streamlined workflows, and apps that blur the line between web and native.

Tech entrepreneur

Have an app or an idea for an app that is the next big thing? Learn how to quickly and easily create a business around your app. Master everything from building your prototype to drafting a marketing plan to getting funding.

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How do you like to learn?

Online, at your own pace

Take free, self-paced, online courses at Udacity. Developed by Google developer advocates, courses cover Android development, web developmnent, technical entrepreneurship, and more.
Individual courses are free, but for a small monthly fee, you can enroll in Udacity's Nanodegree program, which leads you through building a portfolio of projects and apps, to earn a Nanodegree certification.

In person

Attend a 12-week, in-person course to learn Android development. The courses are run by General Assembly at locations around the world.

Study jams

Join a free series of global, community-run, in-person study groups to learn how to build Android apps.

Get certified

Ready to demonstrate your proficiency at developing Android applications? Want to be recognized with an industry standard credential to show employers, customers, and partners? If so, sign up to take our certification test and be recognized as an Associate Android Developer.

Web Designing Course